so much has happened during my absence...apologies to my fans....stereotypical absence crap...exams..busy/lazy depending on who u r, sum it up.
i'm back.
this absence was just what i needed to fuel up a declining creativity;
depsite my reluctance to comment anywhere nor indicate in any way that i am still around, which i was not, i kept a half-eye on the comings and goings of the blogosphere...with Emigre's burnout, the IraqBlogCount has been moderated by Hassan Average and Najma, i find this ratifiying in many ways, i really don't know that much about Emigre, but i feel that a guy with the ambition, desire and obsession of blogging as Hassan could be the only one fit for moderating such a blog, even better than the hailed Emigre, wasn't Hassan the guy who wrote the short-short history of Iraqi Bloggers start to finish? so there u have it. I find the site in good hands and i am sure it will be going for the better, my only gripes with it is that it is supposed to be neutral towards all bloggers but it treats some with more concern than one might like - for instance the 'Carnival Of The Relatives' thingies which only serve as advertising for people only related to a moderator by blood - these things are fine, but not as posts on the main page, post it on ur blog, whoever u are. Secondly, a refining of the blog list must be in order, too many blogs have been neglected for a long time, they should be arranged in terms of proposed popularity.
Good luck...
Some new blogs have popped up, Iraqi Rebel floored me, this guy looks so much like me, kudos to u, whoever u are....his last post is the jewel of cathratic tantrums....keep an eye on him...probably the best thing out there at the mo, i'm so tired of all the usual melodrama, Anarki13's going nowhere, Truth's getting old, we need something new people!mmmkkkkayyyyyyy....
What i've been so busy doing these days, is the following (arranged by date):
1. Department CD
2. Exams
3. Getting To Know Anarki13's 'Guitarbuddies'
Last year, i collected all the pictures taken by our departement, every single photograph taken by a colleague during the year, added an MP3 for evey person based on his request, and did a simple-but-tasty slideshow showcasing every single person with his name/pic/preparatoryschool/what u like/what u hate questionnare etc etc...the concept was simple but original, and it was hailed at its time as a masterpiece of design and vision.This year, i decided to do a follow-up to the CD, being a true artist, i tried not to repeat myself - that which the green first graders gratitiuosly did for me - imitation is the highest form of flattery, remember, they copied my CD to the last detail, even such bad jokes as HANTOOSH : Socks & Software (theirs was Pizza & Software), a Macromedia FLASH intro and a hide & seek maze of subfolders that included hidden files...In February 2005, a massive strike flamed within my university, based on an unjust law legislated by the univeristy board to raise the minimum average requirement to enter M Sc. studies from 65% to 75%, the strike lasted almost a week and was covered by several media stations. My first idea was to do a fake news agency and cover the strike, as we did this, I rediscovered a long-lost dream of becoming a director, along with a handful of carefully picked ideas - some old, some came within working -, and we used a SONY handheld camera to finally achieve a complete 7 o'clock news episode, featuring a mock-up of a News Studio (Our dept. hall), and three news pieces, the aforementioned strike ; a bitchhouse raid and finally a review of the classroom ancedotes for the year presented in the Egyptian Sports Analyst (Salih Wahish) format, the concept slowly grew and almost swallowed us whole : We did an obligatory President-meets-veterans piece at the beginning, 7 Television commercials (which were later hailed as the most entertaining parts) for products ranging from VIAGRA to KENKO (Prominent Chinese scientific calculator in college) to even advertisesments for programs produced by our fake network - a hit-show (Al Jarboo3 Wal Mar2a) and a documentary, u name it....i had trouble finding a female reporter but eventually i landed the deal.Aside from this, I shot a FPS-game, a music video for a fake rock band 'THE ABBiS' amongst too many other things to mention, all in all, the project took six months to complete but thankfully I got the deserved recognition, I'm even thinking of showing it to some TV station, say what?here's some photos, as well as a biography of THE ABBiS themselves :
2. Exams
Fucked up one out of seven this time, damn the ROOT LOCUS to all eternity!
3. I will talk about this later.
Well, with elections less than four days ahead, i guess i have to talk about it, only this time, i don't feel it's a chore, unforunately it's been on my mind more than it has to be lately, shweet! this blogging stuff has turned me on to politics, u can only compare this recent taxi driver conversation with the one i posted on my very first entry :
Taking Highway Mohammed Al Qasim as a metaphor for life, A taxi driver is a strange human being, in a manner of speaking, he embodies the Average Iraqi's de-evolution in a transitional state prior to his total going nuts otherwise known as 'Kia Driver' and after the virtually nonexistent state of innocent order on the right lane 'Citizen'....thus, he represents the de facto core of the Iraqi Spirit in the Millennium, to quote the rolling-in-its-grave motto seen upon walls when the occupation was still 2003-2004 (La Sunniya, La Shiyia, Wahda Wahda Islamia (No Sunni, No Shia, A Unified Unified Muslim)
Wahda Wahda Taxi
Spitting on the wheel, the driver in his questionable pink-red t-shirt (shirt?) was typically in his late-thirties, unshaved and uncombed, the car was a scrap heap from the pre-occupation common-man 80s cars (Toyota Corona 1981, Passat 1983-1988, Datsun Firebird 1980 etc) but nowadays most taxis are either Opel Vectras 1995 or Kia Sephia 1993/4. He said to The Kid, as The Kid was heading from Jadriya (university) to Salhiya (my girl's house - surprise visit)
'We'll take the other road because this one is a makhabkhana (whorehouse)'
'As u please' Says The_Kid Himself in his sour passenger mode
Silence protrudes and engulfs the inhabitants of the car, over unconfident radio static, a guy assures us of his undying love (sorry, Asimov - Kid)
The Kid_Himself looks to the right as the car stands in a busy traffic, men descend from a van and start gluing some poster or other of an obscure three-digit coalition, on their T-shirts the logo is 'Watanioon' (Nationalists)
Out of character and driven by boredom, The Kid asks Pinkred Whorehouse: 'Who will elect these poor devils?'
'Them's got backed up by their tribes, surely' Pinkred comes into conversation lulled, as if wanting to pull but not trying to sound too eager
'They will collect some 250,000 votes in the hopes of getting a chair or two'.
SilenceThe Kid's mind floats to his girl, perhaps feeling secure by several pleasantries going in his mind, he asks
'So who are you going to elect?'
'Khamsmiya Khamsa W Khamseen (555 - Iran-influenced party currently ruling Iraq)' the words roll with a slow approval/appraisal, biting a soft chocolate that melts into your mouth.
'Oh, i think that elections this year will become much more stronger than last time'
'Yeah, these small lists won't get a chance or two compared to the big ones, 555, 618'
Pinkred is pissed 'Let him go to hell, that bastard son of a bastrad, who likes him? Son of a whore, we don't want him'
'On the contrary, several people i see are going to choose that bastard'
Pinkred hesitates... 'Bastard'
'U know why, some people do not want an Islam-directed government that inclines to this side or that, they want a govenement that's free of all that, and not only did Allawi destroy Najaf, he did that to Falluja as well'
'You said it, he just crushes, what use is he? The whole south will choose 555, others choose 618,he hurts everyone....and what is with this constant attacking of govenement and Jaffari' tone suggests undying loyalty
'These are election tricks, check out Chalabi's attacks on Allawi, I'm not saying that Allawi is a flower, he is a dog son of a dog, but he doesn't follow a certain sect, and that is needed, and who says that the governemnt is flawless....don't u ever see all these people getting killed??? What abotu Al Jadriya scandal??'
'Everybody who is killed is Shia'
'Everybody who is killed is Sunni, i live in Adhamiya and i see it everyday'
Pinkred is unsure of The Kid's side by now, he starts praising 618
'How much i like this guy Mohsin Abdilhameed (Islamic Party's head, part of 618) a man who is just and never differentiates, and that other guy El Izzi, he was killed just because he said that Sunni/Shia are equal, these are okay men, but not Harith Al Dari
''What's wrong with him?'
'What's this he says in Cairo about not attacking terrorists'
'There is terrorism and there is resistance'
'yeah, sure'
'and he wants to differentiate between the two'
Pinkred is silent, he doesn't know what to say, The Kid feels strangely out of place, he is winning in a political debate!!! Pinkred obviously is the following type. The conversation never inflates into a heads-on bullfight because neither side is either sure nor sectarain. As The Kid gets out of the car, Pinkred says : I hope i did not bother u, all we want is equality and justice wihout differentiation.'With a smile, The Kid says 'Of course, no you did not bother me, on the contrary. Here's your 4,000 ID'
This is the first time I am going to vote, and I urge everyone to vote too from their hearts, sitting around there doing nothing and pretending it ain't gonna make a difference is no excuse, it makes a difference - you only need to witness the abysmal massacres that happened, if not for the better then please vote not to make matters worse! I will only vote because of all the sectarian blood shed, there has to be a balance of powers in order for this country to at least kick any massacre back into terrorism territory, not by the very same security forces.I will vote for all the people that has lost their lives not for anything, but because their only faults was that they were Sunni.and in doing so, i deeply reproach myself for making a decision based on Sectarian lines, sadly, this is the policy with which the USA runs Iraq.
Early on, when American soldiers were still treated as aliens from outer space surrounded by children, my cousin told me about his first encounter with the American Soldier, he said that the first question he asked us was who is Sunni/Shia and whether we have any problems with that?
These mighty, mighty sons of bitches....
Under these US-instigated sectarian obsessions carefully injected everywhere, the papers, the TV, the people -if any one of the sects (Sunni, Shia) rules the other, there certainly would be crimes and/or feelings of injustice, the obvious solution is Secularism, (Allawi, who obvioulsy will win under US babysitting) - then again, any Muslim must only accept Islam as his rule, by separating Mosque from State, the Muslim may find himself watching Iraqi Gay TV only because a large number of people feel the need to watch Iraqi Gay TV. that is unacceptable.Unfortunatley, if u vouch for a moderate Islamic rule, there ain't such a thing - and some smartass or other won't take your 'I am Muslim' negation and try to shoe-horn u into either Sunni/Shia...So i will drop off 731 (surefire winner, btw) and pick 618, for my Haji Amir. and quite frankly, i feel safe with that number.
i feel shit, too.
Yesterday Iraq won West Asia cup from Syria by Penalties, and the sky turned into a flameball, Sunni or Shia, BiSK or BiSHK, you love football....Ahmed Radi has joined the 618, it's interesting to see what happens from soccer junkies who don't happen to take that much interest in religion....although starpower concept in Iraq is almost nonexistent. (Radi, the only Iraqi ever who has scored in World Cup has once starred in a corny Brake Oil campaign( what's the fucking connection between Car Lubricants and an Athelte anyway, unless he drinks the damn thing!!!! quite frankly, if they made him drink the oil then, it would have sold a gadzillion, hee hee - humourless drones!) let's hope this ain't as corny as his stoned performance then.
So, my friend Anarki, to vote is to, quote the holy book :
{وادو الامانة الى اهلها}
most well-known Islamic fukahaa (such as Yousif Qardawi) say that it is obligatory for a muslim to go to these elections.Vote to reduce bloodshed, these parties ain't in it for the money, they boycotted it the first time.
not because you are sunni, but to create a balance.
and your touchtype post about me was great, except for several points :
1. 'He is quite fast, hell, even faster than me'....that is a severe understatement, i can kick ur ass quite soundly at this, please.
2. the 'i am proud' bit is a total disgrace as pointed out by Daniel, not only are you not that old, but with all due respect- i love u dude, but don't get high on your own supply - you and i are wildly different, and u r a most amazing person, nice, kind, hospitable, exteremely unique, but i really can't see u as a rebel - maybe on the inside but on the outside, u will always be the mild-mannered dork as u once said, it is not a fault to know one's own strengths.
No disrespect meant, ever.
We don't need the trial, i meant, isn't the outcome already known homies? if u come to the crimes, not one of them can be jusitifed quite reasonably
Halabcha : Irani folks threw lotsa chemicals, Saddam warns Kurds he will do so too in order to kill the irani infiltrations, nobody gets out he throws white flour, still no reaction, is it anybody's fault when the chemicals hit the floor?
Dijayal : what the fuck do u expect from any Arab leader when somebody tries to kill him? Har Har....
Anyway Abo El Laithan will get what he deserves.....
Here's some pics from my departement CD:

You are an excellent writer, and I do like your views and comments and thoughts. But my advice is to stay away from politics. You may have the right to vote, but really whatever you said doesn't make any sense.You are too KONFUSED and I don't blame you.By the way, I am giving you a compliment not the other way round.Please stick to the wonderful and witty posts, just forget about Sunni or Shia or devil worshippers, one day everything will be settled inshallah.
did get a little confusing tho, unless that WAS your point to begin with!
touchtyping: so you say, my friend, so you say!
I love your blog and your thoughts on music and politics and everything. Keep it up! Don't let people tell you you are confused. Write what you see and know! many non-Iraqis probably read your blog and they want to know about you and your country and what is going on. U.S. media sucks. They don't tell us anything.
saw your website in the sunday (12/18)new york american against u.s.a. involvement in iraq (your problem not ours), more concerned with iran and n. korea
Just found your site. Well done! Check out this site lucid dream
You are one impressive man. I'm an Iraqi living in the give us a different perspective. Keep up the wonderful work.
Best regards from NY! Filtered dial up isp
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